- Alerts: when Alert is triggered by date, and date was missed, show on next D4Web start?
- Assign Communication Methods when Mobile is Entered
- At what age is a patient considered an ADULT?
- Auto change Fee Level after Main Provider is changed
- Begin to enter New Patient with
- Default Main Provider for new patients
- Default mode of patient’s title input
- Default source for new patient
- Default view mode in all patient records
- Flash Medical Conditions/Allergies
- For new patients, mark the ‘Treatment Complete’ check box as ticked
- For NEW patients, set the default fee level as NONE
- Hide X-ray and Letters Alerts
- Is Main Provider attribute mandatory for patients
- Is Patient Fee Level mandatory
- Is Referred By attribute mandatory for patients
- Is the patient ‘Date of Birth’ field mandatory?
- Is the patient ‘E-mail’ field mandatory?
- Make Patient INSURANCE FUND selection mandatory
- Prompt to enter Mobile on New Patient Creation
- Provider details for letters
- Rules of input addresses and other text information
- Rules of input for Third Party / Guardian Name & Contact person name
- Rules of input for Third Party addresses and other text information
- Rules of input patients names
- Select the First Sub-Tab in Patient Details
- Send Appointment Reminders for New Patients to
- Starting from what Legal age, patients are no longer treated as a CHILD
- Validate Patient E-mail Addresses