- eAppointments: Add a fee to an Appointment Reason
- eAppointments: Promotion History
- eAppointments: How to Delete/Suspend a Promotion
- eAppointments: Allocate a Promotion to a Provider
- eAppointments: How to modify a Promotion
- eAppointments: Create Promotions
How Patients will use eAppointments
- eAppointments: Create a Password for a Family Member
- eAppointments: Book an Appointment for a Family Member
- eAppointments: Book Several Appointments at once
- Search for Appointment(s)
- Patient Sign In or Sign Up
- eAppointment Confirmation
- eForms: Add Title to Landing Page
- Create a New eForm
- Add Dynamic Questions/Fields to eForms
- Publish an eForm for Patients to Use
- View Completed Patient eForms
- Setup Guest User eForms