PatientCare: Unsubscribe patients from future communications


Some patients may not want to receive communications. There are 2 ways to unsubscribe patient.

  1. You can unsubscribe the patient from receiving all future messages directly from within the PatientCare platform:

    1. Click the navigation menu > Patient profile.

    2. Find the particular patient from the ‘Patients’ page by searching for the patient’s name or contact details

    3. Click on Edit Profile (right hand side of the screen)

      1. At the bottom of the 'Edit Patient Profile' screen pop-up, you can change Patient Communications to OFF
      2. Click Save

  2. Or you can unsubscribe the patient from receiving individual messages directly from the D4Web appointment slot

    1. Click the navigation menu > Appointments
    2. Right click on the patients appointment slot.
    3. Add the No_PatientCare status (For the purpose of this instruction we have used the letter H, however each practice has selected their own letter to use here)

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