PatientCare: Chatting to a patient


Chatting with a patient is useful to get more information on their condition or manage feedback appropriately.

Sending a chat message through the platform will send an SMS to the patient if that was the initial method, if the initial messages were sent via Email, then the patient will receive the chat message in the format of an Email.
The patient can respond to the chat message via a link in the SMS/Email received, and their response will show up in the platform chat thread.
If you have Alert notifications set up with your email, you will get an email in real time when the patient responds so you don’t have to keep checking the platform for an update.

  1. Click the navigation menu >

    1. Via the Alerts dashboard:

      1. Click on the Alert for the patient you would like to send a message to

      2. Then click into the text box at the bottom of the right panel and type your message

    2. Via the patient profile dashboard:

      1. Click on the patient’s Visit under the ‘Timeline’ section of the Patient’s Profile

      2. Click into the text box at the bottom of the right panel and type your message

        Note: If your organisation pays per SMS sent, it is advisable to limit your response to 160 characters long (1 segment) The character count at the bottom of the box will show you how many characters you have used as you type

      3. Click Send

      4. Review your message in the popup window

        1. The platform will automatically sign off as the name of your clinic (e.g. Eastpoint Dental)

        2. If you’d like to indicate which staff member is sending the message, you may include that name at the end of the message

      5. Click Send Message if you are happy with your message

        1. If you would like to change something in your message, click the ‘x’ at the top right corner of the popup window and make your edits in the text box

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