A dashboard to provide a comprehensive overview of the practice’s online bookings.
Information includes online vs. offline (in person or via phone) booking comparisons, online booking trends, new vs. existing status and demographical information on the patients who book online, and online appointment analysis by time and booking reasons.
Please Note:
By hovering over graphs and bars in the dashboard you are able to see the total numbers for each measurement, percentage,
All calculations are based on appointment creation date/time.
For data accuracy, ensure gender is selected for every patient.
The more the patients select booking reasons, the more visibility the practice will have on booking reason analysis.
Nine charts in this dashboard
Online v Offline Appointments:
The number of appointments that have been booked via an online source by patient v appointments booked directly into D4Web by the D4Web user
The number of appointments that have been booked via an online source by patient v appointments booked directly into D4Web by the D4Web user
Appointment Mix
- The total percentage & overall number of online v offline appointments
- The total percentage & overall number of online v offline appointments
Booking Trend
- A view of how many online appointments were scheduled month by month
- This could be used as a guide to view if uptake of online booking trend may be due to a recent marketing promotion. Examples: SMS notifications to patients, Social Media posts.
By Patient Type
New Patient v Existing patients
New Patient v Existing patients
By Gender
- For New patients its the gender selection at time of booking appointment
- For Existing patients its the current Gender found in the Patients page (unless updated at the time of the booking)
By Age Group
- For new Patients, the age data comes from the DOB entered at the time of the booking
- For Existing patients its the current DOB found in the Patients page (unless updated at the time of the booking)
By Booking Time
- The time of day bookings are made.
- The time of day bookings are made.
By Appointment Time
- What times are the appointments scheduled for
- What times are the appointments scheduled for
By Booking Reason
- The reason (treatment type) selected at the time of making the booking
- The reason (treatment type) selected at the time of making the booking
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