-Move an Appointment to another book


Move (cut) or Copy an appointment from one book to another.

  1. Click the navigation menu > Appointments

  2. Find the appointment that you wish to move

    1. Right click in the appointment slot

    2. Click Cut or Copy if you wish for this appointment to remain in the current book as wellmceclip0.png

    3. Select the book from the Single Book View for drop list where you will move this appointment

    4. Right click in the required appointment slot
    5. Click Paste
    6. Right click in the appointment and Modify Slot
    7. Change the provider to the current provider name from the Provider List
  3. Alternatively, you can drag and drop to another book, if the other book is in view:
    1. Click (and hold) then drag the appointment to the desired slot.
    2. The callout note will include date, times that are available
    3. Click esc key to cancel what you are doing
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