Show Next Appointment


The system can search and show you any appointments that have been made for the current patient.


  1. Click the navigation menu > Patients > Patients page

  2. Patients toolbar > Show Next Appointments Or click on icon mceclip0.png

  3. Appointment of .....

    1. Search beginning from:

      1. Period can be modified by dropping the list.
      2. Dates can be modified by overwriting with DD/MM/YYYY
    2. Click SEARCH
    3. in inactive books: Tick to include inactive books
    4. Click PRINT to print out an appointment list for patient.
    5. Click PRINT APPOINTMENT CARD to print out an appointment card for patient.
    6. Highlight an appointment row and click GO TO  to go directly to the appointment.
    7. Click on CLOSE  to close this window


Show Details of next appointment on Invoices/Receipts/Plans


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