Practice Insights: Overview Dashboard


The Overview dashboard provides users with a quick status quo of the practice. This dashboard is an overall representation of the status of the practice across all providers

For description of features found in all dashboards please read: Practice Insights: Summary of all Dashboards article

The Dashboard Parameters button allows the user to specify after how many months incomplete treatment plans are considered inactive

There are six charts in this dashboard

  1. Patients:

    1. Active Patients > Patients who have been treated in the last 18 months

    2. Inactive Patients > Patients who have not been treated in the last 18 monthsmceclip0.png

  2. Future Appointments:

    1. With – Active Patients with future appointments

    2. Without – Active Patients without future appointments

  3. Recalls:

    1. Booked – Patients with recalls and have a future recall appointment booked

    2. Unbooked – Patients with recalls who do not have a future recall appointment booked.

    3. Only considers future recalls

    4. Recalls belonging to all Sets and Types are considered

    5. Only considers appointments linked to recall setmceclip0.png
  4. Debtors:

    1. Debtors are broken down by the same intervals as the “Reminders to the Debtors” mail merge setup
    2. Click on "Bad Debt Only" to view only the bad debt invoices
  5. Whitespace over the next 7 days:

    1. Displays Whitespace for all active appointment books for the next 7 work days. It also displays tiles for Current workday, Next Work day and Next 7 day average

    2. Only considers appointment books within a work day with an available hour value of more than zeromceclip2.png

  6. Active Treatment Plans:

    1. Breaks down Active Treatment Plans by Complete/Incomplete status and displays the plan count and the dollar value

    2. Active Treatment Plans: Treatment plans with the “Active Treatment Plan” checkbox ticked

    3. Complete Treatment Plans: Treatment plans with all items transferred to the Treatment tab

    4. Incomplete $ value = Total plan value – completed item valuemceclip1.png
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