-Design / Update Appointment Book Templates


Templates in the appointment book cater to

  • Start and Finish Times

  • Weekly Meetings / Breaks

  • Lunch Breaks

  • Days Off / Not Working Each Week

  • Pre-Set Slots

  1. Click the navigation menu > Appointments

  2. Click the hamburger menu > Setup All Books

  3. Select the Book

  4. Click Templates...

    1. Click Add [+] icon to enter the date the template becomes effective
    2. Enter the Start date of the template
    3. Click OK
    4. Use the left mouse click to view options to design the template
      1. Preset Slot: Use to enter predetermined Preset Slots, such as Emergency Work Only
      2. Break: Use to add Lunch, Meetings and to prevent bookings at the start / end of a day
      3. Nonstandard slot: Use to enter anything less than the standard slot duration, e.g. 4mins
      4. Template Parameters: Use to change the start/finish times and slot duration.
        Also select if a day is a Holiday, which is then removed from view when working in the Appointment Book.

      5. When finished:

        1. Select Whole Template radio button

        2. Click APPLY TO THE BOOK'S DAYS

        3. Click EXIT

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