Victorian General Dental Scheme (VGDS) Payment Management


The amount of fee an eligible patient pays depends on their dental problem and circumstances.

Refer to Dental Health Services Victoria for details.

This articles shows how to setup in Patient's file and process payment for an adult patient with a Concession Card, under Victorian General Dental Scheme (VGDS).

Setup Invoice Responsible Party

  1. Click the navigation menu > Patients > Patients page > Address sub-tab

  2. Send Invoices to:

    1. Select Third Party

    2. Select Victorian General Dental Scheme from Now viewing droplist

    3. Click OKmceclip0.png

Setup Fee Level for Patient

  1. Click the navigation menu > Patients > Patients page > Insurance/Various sub-tab

  2. Select Victorian General Scheme in Location Fee Level droplist

Receive Payment 

When patient arrives, provider can request that the patient pay $29 upfront for the visit.

  1. Click the navigation menu > Patients > Receipts page

  2. Receipts toolbar > New Receipt

  3. Enter Amount and Payment Typemceclip2.png

  4. Click CREATE or PRINT

Now the $29 sits in the patient's account as a deposit to pay off this visit

 Create Invoice

  1. Click the navigation menu > Patients > Treatment page

  2. Enter treatment items or transfer items from the Treatment Plan

  3. Itemised Invoices toolbar > New Invoice Only

  4. Make sure the Main Responsible Party is Third Party > Victorian General Dental Schememceclip5.png


  6. Tick Autoallocate depositsmceclip6.png

  7. Click CREATE

    The balance of the invoice is what VGDS owes the provider.

 Print Invoice

  1. Click the navigation menu > Patients > Treatment page

  2. Itemised Invoices toolbar > Re-print Invoice

  3. Select the outstanding invoice

  4. Tick Show Invoice details

  5. Highlight the patient's payment

  6. Click OK



Setup to Use Victorian General Dental Scheme (VGDS)

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