Setup Procedure Classifications for Reporting


Procedures (items) can be grouped for reporting purposes. For example, to report on a group of items classified as New Patient Exam, instead of the individual items. 

Reports impacted by Procedure Classifications:

  • Fee Level Financial Analysis

  • Insurance Funds Financial Analysis

  • KPI-01 Report (This report coming soon to D4Web)

  • Procedures Done by Providers (This report coming soon to D4Web)

The steps to setup are the same for each report. 

  1. Click the navigation menu > Location Setup > Items page

  2. Record toolbar > Procedures Classifications

    1. Classification: Select the relevant report to setup groups for
    2. Groups section, click ADD
    3. Enter Group Name
    4. Enter Group Label
  3. In the Procedures section, click ADD NEW

    1. Select items related to this group (Hold Ctrl key if more than 1 item is selected)

    2. Click OKmceclip1.png

  4. Repeat to add more Groups to different reports, or click EXIT

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