eKiosk Settings


D4Web eKiosk allows patients to check themselves in on their device or on the practice device to update their appointment status upon arrival. 

D4Web eKiosk Settings

After purchasing the service, Centaur will activate it.

The below instructions are to change the default settings. Security should also be set to ensure only select people can change these settings. 

Set Security on Modules/Features/Actions

Set Security Permissions

  1. Click the navigation menu > Location Setup > General page

  2. Group: Kiosk Settings

    1. Enable Self Check in Kiosk (local): Added at setup time, this enables D4W to connect to eKiosk as a web service from the local machine.
    2. eKiosk address: Added at setup time
    3. Redirect to eForms at patient arrival: This is a hidden setting & will be switched on by Setup team
    4. Check in Start Time: Allows patients to check in this many minutes prior to appointment 
    5. Check in End Time: Denies patients the ability to check in if this many minutes after the appointment. 
      The amount of time the system will search for a patients appointment from the current time. Its recommended to set it for 30 mins in the past and 60 mins in the future. This is to ensure the privacy for the patient. If the booked appointment is out of this time frame it will say there is no booking found

Setup Device

Copy the eKiosk Address from your General Settings and paste into the device's internet browser. It is advised to save the address as a favourite, or even a shortcut on the home page. 




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