Laboratories: Setup Laboratory Related Items


The Lab module allows the association of jobs with specific items performed on patients. This means there is a relationship between lab jobs and the items performed (or planned in the Treatment Plan) on patients.

It is up to each practice to choose how to define that relationship.

For example: use an existing item, such as “615 – Full Crown Veneered” or add a new item "LR01". 

A dental laboratory might use a limited number of items for clinic billing purposes.

For example the Crown and Bridge lab may have only five general items which they deal with, such as:

  1. Porcelain Fused to Metal

  2. Post and cores

  3. Full metal crowns

  4. Full porcelain crowns

  5. Implant crowns

 Add Items for Laboratory Job Use

  1. Click the navigation menu > Location Setup > Items page

  2. Select Lab Related Category

  3. Select the relevant SubCategory, or click SubCategory to add a new one

  4. Click Procedure

    1. Item Code: Enter the new item
    2. Description: Enter the description of the item
    3. Click OK
    4. Category of Work: Select from the drop list

 Set Existing Items for Laboratory Use

  1. Click the navigation menu > Location Setup > Items page

    1. Highlight the item to be set for laboratory use

    2. Category of Work: Select from the drop list

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