When an item number should be charted, but is not setup in D4Web to do so, complete the following actions. The example used in this article is a Temporary Filling, item 572.
Click the navigation menu > Location Setup > Items page
Select the relevant item to be setup for charting, or add a new item
Applied Area: Select the most appropriate
Surface: The image/colour will cover the selected surface(s), e.g. Fillings
Tooth: The image/colour will cover the entire tooth, e.g. Crowns
Upper Jaw: The image/colour will apply to only the upper jaw, e.g. Full Dentures
Lower Jaw: The image/colour will apply to only the lower jaw, e.g. Full Dentures
All Teeth: The image/colour will apply to all teeth
Upper Teeth: The image/colour will apply to only the upper teeth, e.g. Partial Dentures
Upper Jaw: The image/colour will apply to only the lower teeth, e.g. Partial Dentures
Teeth Type: Select the most appropriate
Any: The image/colour can be applied to either deciduous or adult teeth
Primary: The image/colour is only chartable on deciduous teeth
Permanent: The image/colour is only chartable on permanent teeth
Record with Tooth's Number: Tick to automatically record the tooth ID in Treatment Plan
3D Charting tab
Processing Type: Common (other options are for preset items only)
3D Image Position: Select where the image should be placed, the options differ depending on the Applied Area selected above
Priority: Low
Cell Colour: Select a colour to apply to the selected surface cells
Content: Select the most appropriate for this item
Symbol: Select and enter a character in the Symbol field below
Symbol on Background: Select and enter the Symbol and Background below
Picture: Select and choose the picture from Picture Filename below
Text Colour: Select from the options available
- Cell Colour: Select a colour
Content: Select the most appropriate for this item
Symbol: Select and enter a character in the Symbol field below
Text Colour: Select from the options available
Hint: Enter a hint to display when the tooth is rotated and image/colour is no longer in view
Always Show Hint: Tick to show the hint, even when the image/colour is visible
- Next, Setup Operations to Chart Items
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