Setup Item to be Charted in 3D Charting


When an item number should be charted, but is not setup in D4Web to do so, complete the following actions. The example used in this article is a Temporary Filling, item 572.

  1. Click the navigation menu > Location Setup > Items page

  2. Select the relevant item to be setup for charting, or add a new item

    1. Applied Area: Select the most appropriate 

      1. Surface: The image/colour will cover the selected surface(s), e.g. Fillings

      2. Tooth: The image/colour will cover the entire tooth, e.g. Crowns

      3. Upper Jaw: The image/colour will apply to only the upper jaw, e.g. Full Dentures

      4. Lower Jaw: The image/colour will apply to only the lower jaw, e.g. Full Dentures

      5. All Teeth: The image/colour will apply to all teeth

      6. Upper Teeth: The image/colour will apply to only the upper teeth, e.g. Partial Dentures

      7. Upper Jaw: The image/colour will apply to only the lower teeth, e.g. Partial Dentures

    2. Teeth Type: Select the most appropriate 

      1. Any: The image/colour can be applied to either deciduous or adult teeth

      2. Primary: The image/colour is only chartable on deciduous teeth

      3. Permanent: The image/colour is only chartable on permanent teeth

    3. Record with Tooth's Number: Tick to automatically record the tooth ID in Treatment Plan

  3. 3D Charting tab

    1. Processing Type: Common (other options are for preset items only)

    2. 3D Image Position: Select where the image should be placed, the options differ depending on the Applied Area selected above

    3. Priority: Low

    4. Planned

      1. Cell Colour: Select a colour to apply to the selected surface cells

      2. Content: Select the most appropriate for this item

        1. Symbol: Select and enter a character in the Symbol field below

        2. Symbol on Background: Select and enter the Symbol and Background below

        3. Picture: Select and choose the picture from Picture Filename below

      3. Text Colour:  Select from the options available

    5. Done

      1. Cell Colour: Select a colour
      2. Content: Select the most appropriate for this item

      3. Symbol: Select and enter a character in the Symbol field below

      4. Text Colour: Select from the options available

    6. Hint: Enter a hint to display when the tooth is rotated and image/colour is no longer in view

    7. Always Show Hint:  Tick to show the hint, even when the image/colour is visible

    8. Next, Setup Operations to Chart Items
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