Setup Common Reasons for Deleting Secure Records


Reasons for Deleting or Modifying Secure records

The Reason for Delete/Modify a Secure Record is an optional module which adds an additional layer to Security, forcing the user to select why, with the ability to add notes which show on Audit Trails. 

Secure Records

  • Receipts

  • Claims

  • Invoices

  • Appointments

  • Patients

  • Bank Slips

Whenever a secure record is deleted or modified all users will be required to enter their username, password, and select a reason. Additionally, the user can add additional information in the notes. 

Ensure all users who should be able to delete/modify secure records are able to. 

Set Security on Modules/Features/Actions

Set Security Permissions


Activate Feature

  1. Click the navigation menu > Location Setup > General page

  2. Group: System Settings

  3. Security: Make the "Reason: for delete/modify mandatory: Yes

    1. Next, setup the Reasons to be used


Set Common Reasons List

  1. Click the navigation menu > Location Setup > System Tables page

  2. System tables group: Security – common ‘Reason’ list

    1. Click ADD
    2. Enter the Reason

Make a Common Reason Inactive 

  1. Click the navigation menu > Location Setup > System Tables page

  2. System Tables: Security – common ‘Reasons’ list

    1. Remove the tick from Active



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