Set Automated Synchronisation between D4Web and eAppointments


Once Appointment Books have been synced/linked to eAppointments, it is important to set the automatic synchronisation of data between eAppointments and D4Web

  1. Click the navigation menu > Appointments

  2. Click the hamburger menuSetup eAppointments

    1. Sync the next # days: Enter the number of days ahead to sync D4Web with eAppointments. Up to 99 days in advance is possible. This means a patient will have the next 1- 99 days (1 = today) available in eAppointments to make a booking.

    2. With updates every # minutes: Select the number of minutes the sync should automatically run. eAppointments and D4Web can sync every 1-120 minutes. The sync runs from now onwards, which  means earlier information will not be updated. Any appointments that were made in the past will be brought into D4Web and marked as an appointment conflict.

    3. Send confirmation/refuse after # attempts: 

      The setting is influenced on the creation of the appointment in auto mode sync.

      Its number of attempts to create a booking after the Dental surgery has sent a refusal or confirmation.

      For example, the day can be locked by users and if D4web receives booking from site, then it will try to create a booking > 2 attempts with interval sync time. If it is unsuccessful, then it sends a cancel to site.

      Please note the point that this setting does not apply to Real Time Mode (i.e. general setting called 'Real Time Mode')

  3. Enable Sync: Click this when ready to enforce the automated settings above

  4. Click Exit

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