Send SMS from Patient Details


Sending an SMS from Patient details can either be a free text entry or from a preset SMS template. The below instructions explain both. 

SMS Requirements

  1. Valid e-mail account

  2. Setup by Centaur with SMS capabilities - if not setup, e-mail 

Setup Patient Detail SMS Templates

  1. Click the navigation menu > Debtors & Marketing > Mail Merge Setup page

  2. Mail Merge Category: Patients

  3. Select Location to view/save templates within

  4. Click Set

    1. Enter the name of the set, e.g. General SMS
  1. Highlight the set > Click Type

    1. Enter the name of the template, e.g. Birthday Wish

    2. Click OK

  1. Highlight the Type > Click Edit icon for SMS Template mceclip1.png

    1. Mail Merge tab > Add Field > add input fields to the template

    2. Go to File tab > SaveExit mceclip0.png

  1. Select the Location(s) the template is available to, if applicable

  Send SMS from Patient Details

  1. Click the navigation menuPatients > Patients page

  2. Patient toolbar > Send SMS

    1. Select appropriate template from Type drop list or type text in field

    2. Click SEND

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