-Patient Bookings - Appointed By Report


This appointment book report generates a listing of all appointments made for a selected period for a provider/s, by each staff member. 

Report Requirements

When scheduling/modifying an appointment, the Appointed By must be selected.

The Appointed By field can be made mandatory, click here for instructions.mceclip0.png                 

Run the Report

  1. Click the navigation menu > Appointments

  2. Right click in any slot > Print > Patient Bookings - Appointed By

    1. Date: Select the date range to base this report on

    2. Appointment Books: Highlight the books to base this report on

    3. Providers/Staff: Tick individual or multiple rows by showing list:

      1. All Staff: This will show a list of all providers and staff members 

      2. Providers: This will only show providers

      3. Other Staff: This will only show staff members

    4. Show Inactive Providers: This will show inactive providers 

    5. Click OK

Report Details


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