Patients List by Category Report


This report will list all patients with a first seen date in the date range selected in report parameters. The patients will be grouped by the category allocated in their files.

  1. Click the navigation menu > Location Management > Reports page

  2. Open Patients list by Category report

  3. Report Parameters:

    1. Category: Select one category or All categories to include in the report

    2. Location: Select the location or <All> to base this report on, if applicable

    3. Main Provider: Select the main Provider(s) of the patients to include in the report

    4. First seen: Select the date range to base this report on. Date range refers to patients' first seen date in this report

    5. Show inactive providers as well: Tick to include inactive Providers

    6. Click OK

Report Details

Set Patient Category for a Patient

Edit Patient Category

Add New Patient Category

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