Link Books to eAppointments


Appointment Books must be synchronised with eAppointments to allow patients to schedule online. 

  1. Click the navigation menu > Appointments

  2. Click the hamburger menu > Setup eAppointments 


    1. Click Select Books to Sync
      1. Sync: Tick the books to display online
      2. Online Name: Enter the name of the book that patients will see
      3. Duration: Select the duration of the appointments to be displayed in eAppointments. The time displayed in eAppointments can be different than the time slots in D4Web. The duration that is selected for each book will determine the appointment duration presented to the patient online. This duration should be tailored to the type of appointments to be made via eAppointments. If it primarily for recall bookings, set the duration to match the average recall appointment.
      4. Click OK


  3. Click FORCE SYNC

  4. Click EXIT

Set Automated Synchronisation between D4W/PSS and eAppointments

Understanding eAppointment Synchronisation Settings

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