Make a Letter Template Inactive / Active (reactivate)


Mark as Inactive

  1. Click the navigation menu > Patients > Letters page

  2. Select the Category (left of screen) the template is saved within

  3. Select the template (listed under category)

  4. Go to Template toolbar > Mark Template as Inactive/Active

    1. Click Yes to proceed with making the template inactive


Reactivate Inactive Letter

  1. Click the navigation menu > Patients > Letters page

  2. Go to Template toolbar > Show Inactive Templates

  3. Select the Category (left of screen) the inactive template is saved within

  4. Select the inactive template (listed under the category)

  5. Go to Template toolbar > Mark Template as Inactive/Active

    1. Click Yes to proceed with making the template inactive


Delete a Letter Category

Create a New Letter Category

Rename a Letter Category / Change Category Location

Rename a Letter Template / Change Template Location

Delete a Letter Template

Create Letter for a Patient


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