Link Referral Details to a Patient - how did you hear about us?


For reference and reporting purposes, add how the patient heard about the practice within the Referred By section of their file. 

  1. Click the navigation menu > Patients > Patients page

  2. Recalls / Referrals tab > Referred By sub-tab

  3. Select 

    1. Source: Click on the drop list to select Contact Selector
      Note: some fields will autofill depending on selections made
      1. Source: Click on the drop list and select from available options
        A list of referral options linked to the Source type you selected will automatically appear onscreen
      2. Category: Click on the drop list and select 
      3. Referred By: Click on the drop list and select 
      4. Notes: optional note area
      5. Click OK


Add new referrals

Make a referral inactive

Log who a Dentist Referred the Patient To (Referred To)


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