^How to Re-scan for HICAPS Terminals


When your Hicaps terminal is plugged into your computer, a piece of software called HConnect is used to establish the connection. This software has multiple options including two that allow you to detect any connected terminals.

Method 1

  1. Find the HICAPS icon in the bottom right System Tray

  2. Right click on the HICAPS icon to open up a menu.

  3. Select Re-scan for HICAPS Terminals

  4. The HICAPS icon will spin whilst searching for terminals

  5. If a HICAPS Terminal is found:

    1. a HICAPS Connect, Found... message will appear

    2. And the HICAPS icon will be a yellow/green colourmceclip6.png

Method 2

  1. Find the HICAPS icon in the bottom right System Tray

  2. Right click on the HICAPS icon to open up a menu.

  3. Select Configure

  4. On the Hicaps Connect Service Setup window

    1. Tick the Ports (left hand side)

    2. Click Save

    3. The HICAPS icon will spin whilst searching for terminals
    4. If a HICAPS Terminal is found:
      1. a HICAPS Connect, Found... message will appear
      2. And the HICAPS icon will be a yellow/green colour
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