The Treatment Plan Incomplete Query generates a list of patients who have an active (or inactive) Treatment Plan which has outstanding items on it over a period.
Ensure the template(s) associated with Treatment Plan Incomplete are updated to suit this campaign before sending.
Click the navigation menu > Debtors and Marketing > Queries page
Type: Treatment Plan Incomplete
Batch: New Batch
Batch Name: Enter the name of the batch, e.g. Incomplete visits June2021
Plan Status: Select from either active or inactive
Provider: Select a Provider or All Providers
Exclude the following categories: Ensure all patient categories to be excluded are selected
Excl. patients not seen in: Only enter a number to exclude patients not seen in as many months
... and mailed this letter within: Only enter a number to exclude patients who have received this exact query in as many months
... and have appts over next: Only enter a number to exclude patients who have upcoming appointments in as many days
Period: The period refers to the date the Treatment Plan was created
Items: Enter item to only show patients with those specific items outstanding
Highlight: All Rows, or manually select those to include
- Print/Send
Select Recall Letters
Click SMS
Click SEND
Back in the Queries page, select all patients with nothing entered in the Printed column (sms unsent)
Select Recall Letters
Click E-mail
Back in the Queries page, select all patients with nothing entered in the Printed column (sms and email unsent)
Select Recall Letters
Click Print
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