Fees Per Postcode


This report allows you to view the total payments received for a selected period in an area. The report can be based on just one suburb, or you can have multiple suburbs selected with sub-totals for each.

Run the Report

  1. Click the navigation menu > Management > Reports page

  2. Fees Per Postcode report

  3. Select your parameters

    1. Date Range: Select the payment received date range to base report on

    2. Location: select if applicable

    3. Click Suburbs

      1. Location: select again only if a change is required

      2. Enter either the SuburbPost Code, or State > Click Find

      3. Click the suburb found to add it to the List of suburbs included... section

      4. To add more, click Reselect and enter the next areas details

      5. Click OK
    4. Back in the Report's parameters window, click OK 

Report Details

The report will generate a list of all patients that have made a payment in the selected period and have a first address postcode that meets your search criteria

Shown on the report is:


 The Suburb name

 Each suburb is separated into sub total 




 Patient head surname

 Date paid 

 The date individual payments were made


 Amount paid

Amount for code

 Total per postcode

 % of Patients

 A percentage of patients for the practice per postcode is shown with 

 % of payments

 A percentage of payments for the period

 Overall results

 The overall results are at the end of the report 


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