Deleted Appointments Report - Audit Trail


The Deleted Appointment Audit Trail report provides a history of all appointments that have been deleted.

The report is based on the appointment date, not the deletion date and is particularly useful when an appointment has been accidentally deleted and the details of the appointment are not known. 

Run the Report

  1. Click the navigation menu > Location Setup > Security page

  2. Record toolbar > Audit Trails > Deleted > Deleted Appointments Report...

    1. Location: Select the location or <Any Location > from the drop list if applicable

    2. Date: Select the period of the appointment (not deletion date) to base the report on

    3. Appointment Books: Select the books to include in the report, or click Select All 

    4. Show Inactive Books: Tick to see/include books previously made inactive

    5. Staff Members: Select specific persons to base the report on, or click Select All

    6. Show Deleted Users: Tick to show inactive Providers and Staff

    7. Click OK

Report Details



 The appointment date 


 The appointment time 


 The appointment duration 


 The appointed patients' name


 Notes of the appointment

 Prov ID 

 The appointed Provider 


 Appointment Statuses associated with the appointment 

 Deleted When 

 The date and time of deletion 

 Deleted By 

 Logged in User
 Set Security on Modules/Features/Actions
 Set Security Permissions

 PC Name 

 The name of the PC the deletion occurred on 


 The book the appointment was in 

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