Mediasuite Online: Reports


Customise data included and export the information as a Report. 

  1. Go to Go To Menu > Reports

  2. In the 'Reports' Window:

    1. Dates: Start date and end date or select from drop arrow

    2. Actions: Tick All or individual tick boxes.

    3. Current Patient: Tick to include ONLY the current patient. Remove the tick to include ALL patients

    4. Object ID: To report on actions based on specific ID (Image) enter the ID number in the Object ID field

    5. Special Action: 

      1. Import after Imaging system conversion: Tick box if the report is based on images imported after your conversion from a previous imaging system

      2. Undo import after imaging system conversion: Tick box if the report is based on ‘Undo’ action of images imported after your conversion from a previous imaging system.

      3. Media Suite settings change: Tick box to include setting changes in the report

      4. Media Suite Capture Device setup: Tick box to include device setups in the report

      5. Advanced Image Filter setup: Tick box to include user-defined and/or global filters set up in the report

    6. Staff members: Select All or select a [specific provider name]
    7. Locations: Select All or select a [different location]

    8. Click Run

Report Details



 Date when Action was performed 


 Date when Action was performed  


 Patient's name

 Card Num

 Patient's D4W card number


 Current Provider as passed from D4W when Action was performed


 Mediasuite action being reported

 PC name

 Name of PC where Action was performed


 Location as passed from D4W when Action was performed 

 Object ID

 Unique identifier of the image that had Action performed

 Export Formats 

 Select format to use 

 Open exported file 

 Tick to open exported file

 Selection to

 Click  to send the report to your clipboard


 Click to send the report to file


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