Mediasuite Online: Annotations - Magnify Region


Magnification of a particular area of the selected image.

  1. Double click on the required object in the left part of the screen (The object will be present in the screen)

  2. Go to Tools menu > Annotations > Magnify Regionmceclip0.png

    1. The cursor takes a form of a hand and a magnified circle is visible around cursor area

    2. This option enlarges the visibility of a fragment of the picture

    3. As the cursor is moved so is the magnified area

    4. Once the required magnified area is confirmed, left click mouse to freeze
    5. Magnify multiple areas of the same image by repeating the above stepsmceclip2.png
  3. Double click the magnified area to modify in the 'Magnify Region Attributes' window

    1. Click OK

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