The Contact Manager holds all referral options that can be linked to a patient as Referred By (how did you hear about us?) or Referred To (referred to specialist).
Access Contact Manager
Click the navigation menu > Patients > Patients page
Recalls / Referral tab > Referred By / To sub-tabs > Click notepad icon
Create a New Referral Source
A referral source is used to group referrals, for example Advertising.
Within the Contact Manager click SOURCE
Source: Enter the name of the source
Show in Find/View menu: Tick to have a quick link to open Contact Manager with this source selected from the Find/View toolbar
Create a New Referral Category
A referral category is used to sub-group referrals within a source, e.g Marketing Campaigns.
Within the Contact Manager select the Source to add the Category to
Category: Enter the name of the category
Create a New Referred By
A referred by can be used for incoming and outgoing referrals, for example Google.
Some Categories - Guardians, Insurance Companies, Patients, Practice Staff - pull data from elsewhere and new referrals cannot be added here.
Within the Contact Manager open the Source and select the Category to add the referral to
Auto-Selected: Tick if this referral should be added to the patients' file as soon as the Category is selected for a patient.
Name: Enter the name of the referral
Code: Enter a code for the referral
The rest of the information is optional
Link Referral Details to a Patient - how did you hear about us?
Efficiency of Referral Sources (Financial Results)
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