eAppointments: Assign Reasons to Providers


After setting up eAppointment Appointment Reasons, they should be linked to Providers so only those who offer such services show vacant appointment slots when a patient selects it. Additionally, each Provider can specify the length of appointment duration for each reason. 

For example, Dr John Smith will accept New Patient Exam appointments and prefers 45mins. However, Dr Sally Jones only wants 30mins for the same type of appointment.

  1. Within the eServices portal

    1. Click the hamburger menu > e-Services > Practice Management
    2. eAppointments Management
    3. Providers Reason List
      1. Surgery Name: Select the practice from the list

      2. Practitioner Name: Select the Provider from the list

      3. Select an Appointment Reason from Add reason from list (a maximum of 20 reasons for each provider)

      4. Change the duration of the appointment by using the -/+

      5. Click Save

Reasons can be deleted or modified within Active Reasons

Repeat until all Providers and Reasons are setups as offered at the Practicemceclip0.png

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