-Appointment Class Report (non-financial)


The Appointment Classes Report (non-financial) provides a count of appointments with a particular class in a period of time. For example, the number of Crown and Bridge appointments last month. 

Run the Report

  1. Click the navigation menu > Appointments

  2. Right click in any appointment slot > Print > Appointment Class Report (non-financial)

    1. Dates: Select the period to base this report on

    2. Location: Select the location or <Any Location > from the drop list if applicable

    3. Class: Select the Class to base this report on

      1. Click SELECT ALL to auto select all classes & DESELECT ALL to auto deselect all
    4. Appointment Books: Select the appointment book/s to include in the report

      1. Click SELECT ALL to auto select all books & DESELECT ALL to auto deselect all
    5. Show Inactive Books: Tick to include books previously made inactive     

    6. Click OK
      mceclip0.pngReport Details



 Name of the patient that matches the requested criteria of the report.
 DOB  The Date of Birth of the Patient.
 Date  The Date of the Appointment.
 Time  The Time of the Appointment.
 Duration  The Duration of the Appointment.


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