Inventory & Stock Control: Add Inventory Items


Inventory Items are attached to the Inventory types. 

  1. Click the navigation menu > Location Setup > Inventory page

  2. Select the Type to add an Inventory Item to. e.g. Gloves

  3. Click Add > INVENTORY ITEM

    1. Item Name: The size, colour, style, style name (e.g. Gloves Medium - Latex/Powder Free)

    2. Inventory Code: S A short code for this item (e.g. GL-MP)

    3. Click OK

  4. Enter all information about this inventory item on the right hand side of the screen

    1. Use by Default: Inventory items can at a later stage be linked to Treatment Items, this check box denotes this Inventory Item as the default item when used for treatment
    2. Supplier: Inventory items can be linked to a specific Supplier
    3. Reorder Code: This is the code provided by the Supplier to reorder this item
    4. Reorder Point: The system will alert to reorder when the items sock level reaches this number
    5. Unit Cost: The cost per unit may be entered
    6. Obsolete: Tick box when this item is no longer ordered/ used. Click here for instructions
  5. Repeat steps for each new Inventory Item

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