Add Custom Charting Conditions


Conditions are an image applied to selected surfaces of a tooth which are unrelated to a procedure.

For example, abrasion, wear facet, rotated. 

Activate 3D Charting

Custom conditions are visible in both 2D and 3D Charting, however can only be setup with 3D Charting activated. Check your General Settings here: Mode of Charting

Add New Condition Group

D4Web already has two groups for Conditions: Condition and Movement.

To add another, e.g. Custom Conditions, follow the below steps. Otherwise, highlight the existing group and move to the Add New Condition to a Group steps below. 

  1. Click the navigation menu > Location Setup > Operations page

  2. View: Conditions

  3. Click Group

    1. Add new group Name

    2. Click OK

  4. Show these tabs: Tick the screens to display this group inmceclip1.png

  5. Grouping Icons: 

    1. No: This means that every condition with a toolbar Icon setup will be listed as an icon on the charting toolbar

    2. Rows: This means that every condition with a toolbar Icon setup will be grouped by the number per row

Add New Condition to a Group 

Conditions can be added to existing groups; Condition and Movement or to a new group setup by the user (as above).

  1. Select the group to add the new condition to (e.g. Custom Conditions)

  2. Click Condition

    1. Name: Enter the name of the new condition (e.g. Attrition 1)

    2. Click OK
  3.  If the condition should appear as a toolbar icon and in the menu,

    1. Click SELECT and choose a picture

  4. Next select the 2D Charting, Picture: Select the image/icon to show on the surface of the tooth when selected in charting. (e.g. A1 ATTRITION1.BMP)

  5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 for each new Custom Condition. (e.g. Attrition2, Attrition3)

  6. 3D Charting, Charting Type: 

    1. Whole Tooth: No image will show, but the Hint will show
    2. Symbol on Cell: A symbol, alphabetical or numerical, will appear on the surface
    3. Symbol with Background Cell: A symbol, alphabetical or numerical, will appear on the surface with a background to the symbol
    4. Picture on Cell: Select a Picture to show on the surface
    5. Hint: Enter the Hint which will be shown onscreen in 3D Charting when the condition is not visible due   to rotation. Tick if the Hint should be shown in 3D Charting all the time, or only when surface is not visible

In the Charting page

  1. Select the new custom conditions from the Conditions menu

  2. If you added Toolbar icons, they can be found in the toolbar list where all conditions with icons are found

Keep this list short to the most common conditions used
Conditions cannot be deleted once used on a patient. So mark a condition as obsolete if no longer needed.

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