-D4W Mobile App: Navigating the Appointment Book (Multiple Book view)


The Appointment Book can be navigated in the D4W Mobile App.

  1. From the Main Menu tap APPOINTMENTS

  2. Select Multiple Book

  3. Tap the required Appointment Book Group from list
    Note: Appointment Book Groups are setup in D4Web

  4. View the Group name and use < arrows > to move to previous or next book

  5. The default number of books shown is 3 days, change the view by clicking on 3b and select up to 6 from the list

  6. Tap to view calendar

  7. Select the required date and tap OK
  8. Tap Today to return to todays date

D4W Mobile App: Create an Appointment for a New Patient

D4W Mobile App: Create an Appointment for an Existing Patient


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