eAppointments: How to Delete/Suspend a Promotion


Within the eServices Portal, an existing promotion can be deleted or suspended

Delete the Promotion

  1. Click the hamburger menu icon

    1. Select Practice Management

    2. Select eAppointments Management

    3. Select Promotions Management

    4. Click the promotion to be deleted

    5. Select Delete

      1. A prompt will appear to ensure the correct promotion is being deleted

      2. Click Yes or No

How to Suspend a Promotion

  1. Click the hamburger menu icon

    1. Select Practice Management

    2. Select eAppointments Management

    3. Select Promotions Management

    4. Select the promotion

    5. Select Edit

      1. Remove the end date

      2. Click Save

  2. Back in the promotions list:

    1. Turn the toggle button off. The status Suspended should appear


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