MediaWeb PACS: downloading & printing single images


Single images can be selected for Printing or Downloading.

  1. The 3 dots appear when you hover mouse over the image.

  2. Click either Download or Print


  1. When Download is selected, the following displayed

    1. Gives the option to:
      1. Specify JPG or PNG as the format, e.g., PNG ( this can give better quality than jpg)

      2. Specify File Name, (e.g. Fred Jones)

    2. Click CANCEL to quit the download process

    3. When DOWNLOAD is clicked, the file will be downloaded to the Browser’s download folder

    4. This gives the options: 

      1. If Open with is selected, choose the relevant application and the image will opened in the specified software

      2. If Save File is selected, the image is saved in the selected folder

      3. Click OK

      4. If Save File was selected above, click Save

      5. Once the image is saved, control is passed back to previous window

      6. Click Cancel


  1. When the Print option is selected the following is displayed

    1. This shows a Print Preview and print optionsmceclip3.png

      1. Once the options are selected, click Print

      2. If Cancel is selected it reverts to the previous window

      3. If the print using the system dialogue... was selected, the following is displayed

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