The IMAGES page is the default landing page when MediaWeb PACS is opened from D4Web Patient file
Title Bar:
IMPORT: Used to import either “normal” images or DICOM images
NEW EXAMINATION: Initiates CMScan Web to capture images are captured from hardware devices
Provider and Location names
Click on the Centaur Software Logo to show MediaWeb PACS version information, etc
Patient Information and parameters:
Patients Name, Card No and DOB
The mode of viewing images, either Images (the default) as shown or by Studies
from / to: Filters images by date range. By default, nothing specified, all images will be displayed. Options are:
Specify a from and to date – will display a limited date range
Specify only a from date – will display all images from that date on
Specify only a to date – will display all images up to that date
DATE: Enables the images to be displayed in ascending or descending sequence
CHART POSITION: Filters images by Charting. Pressing “x” will rest filter default. i.e. no filtering
RESET ALL: Resets all Filters to their default settings
Images: Listed individually with the date taken
- Studies: Listed in study groups
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