Practice Insights: Management - Appointment & Financial Dashboard


A dashboard to provide practice managers and owners with management level information about their practice.

Information includes appointment cancellations by count and %, rebooking %, debts & payment collection, gross versus net production comparisons and chair use %.

For data accuracy, ensure you use FTA/UTA status and/or cancellation list, appointment books are setup according to provider workdays, all treatment is invoiced with discounts included where applicable.

For description of features found in all dashboards please read: Practice Insights: Summary of all Dashboards article

Seven charts in this dashboard

  1. Appointment Cancellations

    1. The number of appointments that have been moved / copied to cancellation list or where appointment is marked as FTA/UTA

    2. Where an appointment with FTA or UTA status is left in the Appointment Book as well as in Cancellation List, it is counted as one Cancelled Appointment. The status of this Appointment is obtained from the latest record in the Cancellation List. If the same appointment has been added to the cancellation list multiple times, it is counted as ONE Cancelled Appointment with the Appointment Status from the latest record

  2. Cancellations to Appointment %

    1. A percentage of cancelled appointments. Cancelled Appointments / All Appointments %

    2. If an appointment with neither FTA nor UTA status is left in the Appointment Book as well as in Cancellation List, it is counted as one Cancelled Appointment

  3. Rebooks to Appointment %

    1. A percentage of appointments attended that made another appointment

    2. Rebooked Appointment: On the day of the first appointment, the appointment was marked as Attended and the patient had treatment. A new appointment was created on the same day as the treatment
  4. Debt Movement

    1. The debtor balance on the last day of each month including Bad Debts and All Issued

  5. Payments to Productions

    1. Payments as a percentage of gross production = Payments Collected / Gross Production %mceclip6.png
  6. Gross Vs Net Production

    1. Gross Production: The total $ value of items recorded in Treatment versus Net Production: The total $ value of invoices minus any refunds or discountsmceclip5.png
  7. Chair Utilisation

    1. Clinic Hours / Available hours %

    2. Clinical Hours: Appointment book hours assigned as clinical work time = Appointment hours with linked patient IDs PLUS any Break hours with work time set to YES. Available Hours: The time available in the appointment book to see patients = Total number of hours in the appointment book minus (-) break hours with work time set to NO

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