-D4Web New Feature Release: Build 22.728 DB5203


The following new and enhanced features are available in Build 22.728 DB 5203 and higher from the  4/8/2022.


New Features

Reports now available in D4Web:

Recall Effectiveness

Treatment Plan Status

Treatment Plan Acceptance

Treatment Plan Completion

Patients Unsubscribed

Security System for restricting access to the D4Web

Security: 2FA & password reset. Each Organisation can manage its own security needs within D4Web. The 2 Factor Authentication (2FA) sends a code via SMS or EMAIL once the user logs in with their username/password

Security: IP Restrictions. Allow or block access to selected User & Password login from selected IP addresses & or from a selected database

Security: Trusted Devices. A device that will not pass IP-address verification, which will allow a specific user to log in even from a forbidden IP

Security: Days/Time Restrictions. Restrict the DAYS and/or TIMES of connections allowed

Security: Users Activity Monitor. Monitor the activity of each user

Security: Auto Logout. If a user does not show an activity for the designated time, D4Web automatically logs that user out. 


eChat now available in D4Web:

Activate eChat

eChat Settings and Preferences

eChat Message Management

Send eChat Message

Reply to eChat Message

Automatically Send Email or eChat Notifications when an Automation Event occurs


Coming soon: These new features will be ready in a few days, stay tuned for updated info. 

eKiosk - Patient self check in

Practice Insights (formerly known as Practice Analytics to D4W users) - Dashboards


Enhanced Features

SMS Manager added "Go To" functionality in Right Mouse Button click

SMS Manager > Go To > Patient pages


Added filter "Payment methods" to Unallocated Deposits Report

Unallocated Deposits Report


Ability to Setup Child Benefit Scheme if not preset

In most cases the CBDS has been preset/ activated within D4Web, however if not we have added the ability to manually add within the Items page. Once activated the feature will not be visible in the menu

Activate Child Dental Benefit Scheme CDBS 



57 Optimisations / bugs squashed

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