Security: 2FA & password reset


Each Organisation can manage its own security needs within D4Web.

The 2 Factor Authentication (2FA) sends a code via E-mail once the user logs in with their username/password.  This code has an expiry time (eg: 90secs). 

Ensure emailing is setup and working correctly in D4Web before using this feature. Contact support if help is required. 

  1. Click the navigation menu > Location Setup > Security page

  2. Select the 2FA & password reset section

    1. Click radio button to view the list of users by Company, Locations, Groups or all Users

    2. Tick box to Enable 2FA
    3. Tick box to Allow user to reset password
    4. Click PRINT to printout a user detail list
    5. Enter text to search for a login name
    6. Login: Login/ User name
    7. Location: Practice Location name
    8. 2FA Status: Turn Off or On
    9. Code Sending Method: E-mail
    10. Code Expiry time: How many seconds before the code sent expires
    11. 2FA Validity period, (0-9999) days: If the 2FA is valid for a period of days
    12. E-mail: Enter E-mail address if not already present (uses the email address from Provider / Staff pages by default) as this method is used for code sending
    13. Mobile: The users mobile number
    14. Click into fields to change the information
  3. For those Users who have 2FA Status = On selected, will get this verification code window at next D4Web logon


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