Information includes the number of New versus Existing patients treated, reappointed, recall appointments, cancellations, payment types, discounts & collections.
For data accuracy, ensure appointment cancellation reasons are used, recalls is selected at appointment time when a recall appointment is being made, discount categories are used
For description of features found in all dashboards please read: Practice Insights: Summary of all Dashboards article
Ten charts in this dashboard
Patients Treated
- How many UNIQUE patients a provider has treated in that period
- Reliant on the Items added to Treatment. The UNIQUE number of patients Existing & New patients) with AT LEAST one TREATMENT item number is entered to the Treatment
- Excludes the following: Deleted treatment, Non treatment items & Non reporting items
New Appointments by Patients Type
- The number of new appointments by New and Existing patient status
- The number of new appointments by New and Existing patient status
New Appointments by Appt Type
- The number of patients treated by recall/non-recall status
- Only considers Recall appointments where appointment recall set is used
Rebooked Appointments
A patient who attended and had treatment with a future appointment created on that same day
Appointment Outcomes
Kept Appointments are appointments that were attended where treatment was entered versus any cancelled appointments.
Cancellation Reasons
Reasons used when a patient has been marked as FTA/UTA
Use cancellation reason feature for accurate data
Payments by Payer
- A breakdown of payers
- A breakdown of payers
Payments by Type
- A breakdown of payment types
- A breakdown of payment types
Discounts to Production %
- Discount % based on the total gross production during the selected period
- Discount % based on the total gross production during the selected period
Payments on the Day of Production %
Payments made % based on the total gross production during the selected period
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