Information includes treatment plan acceptance, completion & active, items used totals via $ value, % and count.
For data accuracy, ensure Treatment Plan status is used, active tick box is marked/unmarked, new plans are created and items not added to old plans, items are categorised/ grouped using the “Procedures classifications”.
For description of features found in all dashboards please read: Practice Insights: Summary of all Dashboards article
Five charts in this dashboard
Treatment Plan Acceptance
Treatment Plan Completion
- Shows the Treatment Plan completion rate for the selected clinician for the time period selected where treatment plans (Percentage of treatment plans completed relative to the number that were created in that period)
- Shows the Treatment Plan completion rate for the selected clinician for the time period selected where treatment plans (Percentage of treatment plans completed relative to the number that were created in that period)
Active Treatment Plans
Active Treatment Plans: Treatment Plans with the Active Treatment Plan checkbox ticked Complete Treatment Plans: Treatment plans with the all items transferred to the Treatment tab
Incomplete Treatment Plan: Treatment plans with some items transferred to the Treatment tab, and the Treatment Plan Status IS NOT in Complete status, and Treatment Plan Status IS NOT Rejected -
Charts include completed number of patients & completed value
Service Mix by Amount
- A pie chart that shows the services mix by $ amount for the clinician for the time period selected
- The item codes used are grouped by their Procedure Classification category and the pie chart displays slices according to the $ value contribution of each category to the total
- The logic used here to calculate totals is the same as KPI-01 & Items Performance reports
Service Mix by Count
- A pie chart that shows the services mix by count for the clinician for the time period selected
- The item codes used are grouped by their Procedure Classification category and the pie chart displays slices according to the number of contribution of each category to the total
- The logic used here to calculate totals is the same as KPI-01 & Items Performance reports
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