Information in this Clinician dashboard includes production totals per day, per hour and by patient, overall number of patients & new patients treated.
For data accuracy, ensure all patients have treatment entered and invoices & payments are generated.
For description of features found in all dashboards please read: Practice Insights: Summary of all Dashboards article
Five charts in this dashboard
Daily Net Production
- The total $ value of invoices minus any refunds or discounts
- The total $ value of invoices minus any refunds or discounts
Hourly Net Production
- Net Production (total $ value of invoices minus any refunds or discounts) / Patient Hours (The amount of time the provider spent seeing patients according to the appointments start-end time in appointment slots)
- Net Production (total $ value of invoices minus any refunds or discounts) / Patient Hours (The amount of time the provider spent seeing patients according to the appointments start-end time in appointment slots)
Net Production per Patient
- Net Production (total $ value of invoices minus any refunds or discounts) / Per Patient (number of Unique patients seen)
- Net Production (total $ value of invoices minus any refunds or discounts) / Per Patient (number of Unique patients seen)
Patients Treated
How many UNIQUE patients a provider has treated in that period
Reliant on the Items added to Treatment. The UNIQUE number of patients Existing & New patients) with AT LEAST one TREATMENT item number is entered to the Treatment
Excludes the following treatment: Deleted treatment, Non treatment & No reporting items
New Patients Treated
The UNIQUE number of patients with AT LEAST one TREATMENT item number is entered to the Treatment tab for the FIRST TIME
Excludes the following treatment: Deleted treatment, Non treatment & No reporting items
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