Practice Insights: Clinician Appointments & Utilisation Dashboard


Information includes utilisation of chairs, Lost revenue due to no scheduled appointments within available slots and average treatment v waiting times.

For data accuracy, ensure appointment books are setup according to provider workdays, treatment plan items are included in patient appointments where possible and the arrived / check-in / check-out feature is used.

For description of features found in all dashboards please read: Practice Insights: Summary of all Dashboards article

Five charts in this dashboard

  1. Chair Utilisation %

    1. Clinical Hours v Available Hours
      1. Clinical Hours = How many hours the clinic is open according to the appointment book 
      2. Available hours = How many of those hours that can be filled with appointments
  2. Chair Utilisation & Whitespace Chart

    1. The hours in the appointment book that were available (empty slots) to see patients but not used
  3. Lost Revenue Through Whitespace

    1. The lost revenue through no appointments according to your hourly net productions (The total value ($$) of invoices minus any refunds or discounts)
  4. Average Treatment Time (minutes)

    1. The average length of minutes of each appointment
  5. Average Wait Time (minutes)

    1. The average length in minutes a patient is waiting to be seen
    2. Use Arrived/Check in/Check out feature for accurate calculations
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