Information includes utilisation of chairs, Lost revenue due to no scheduled appointments within available slots and average treatment v waiting times.
For data accuracy, ensure appointment books are setup according to provider workdays, treatment plan items are included in patient appointments where possible and the arrived / check-in / check-out feature is used.
For description of features found in all dashboards please read: Practice Insights: Summary of all Dashboards article
Five charts in this dashboard
Chair Utilisation %
- Clinical Hours v Available Hours
- Clinical Hours = How many hours the clinic is open according to the appointment book
- Available hours = How many of those hours that can be filled with appointments
- Clinical Hours v Available Hours
Chair Utilisation & Whitespace Chart
- The hours in the appointment book that were available (empty slots) to see patients but not used
- The hours in the appointment book that were available (empty slots) to see patients but not used
Lost Revenue Through Whitespace
- The lost revenue through no appointments according to your hourly net productions (The total value ($$) of invoices minus any refunds or discounts)
- The lost revenue through no appointments according to your hourly net productions (The total value ($$) of invoices minus any refunds or discounts)
Average Treatment Time (minutes)
- The average length of minutes of each appointment
- The average length of minutes of each appointment
Average Wait Time (minutes)
- The average length in minutes a patient is waiting to be seen
- Use Arrived/Check in/Check out feature for accurate calculations
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