Select How a Patient is Assigned a Location Fee Level


For Multi-Location environments only.

As patients move between locations, the system must know how to assign the fee level for the patient.  

Make sure to Activate & Setup the Location based fees before proceeding.

  1. Click the navigation menu > Management > Fees page

  2. Operations toolbar > When setting Patient Fees... 

    1. Use the location in patient details: The system will look for the patient’s location under Patient Records > Patient Details tab > Insurance /Various sub-tab

    2. Use the location of the patients main provider: The system will look for the location of the patient's main provider under Location Management > Providers tab and patient’s main provider under Patient Records > Patient Details tab

    3. Use the treating providers location: The system will look for the treatment provider’s location

  3. Operations Toolbar > When changing Treatment Provider...

    1. Prompt user to change or keep the item fee: Make selection in message popup

    2. Do not change the item fee: Nothing happens when changes are made

    3. Automatically change the item fee to Providers location: System searches for provider location information and settings and makes changes as needed.


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