Customise the Debtor Reminder Period


Each reminder is preset with a number of days when due.
For instance; reminder 1 is set at 15 days so D4Web will calculate the 15th day from the Date Due.

Reminder 1 examples:

  • If your invoices are due on the date of created invoice then reminder 1 period is 15 days later

  • If your invoices are due 7 days after creation then reminder 1 period is 7 + 15 = 22 days

Reminder 2 examples:

  • If your invoices are due on the date of created invoice then reminder 2 period is 21 days later. It assumes you sent the reminder 1 after 15 days

  • If your invoices are due 7 days after creation then reminder 1 period is 7 + 22 = 29 days. It assumes you sent the reminder 1 after 22 days

To customise the reminder period numbers:

  1. Click the navigation menu > Debtors & Marketing > Mail Merge Setup page

    1. Mail Merge Category: Reminders to the Debtors

    2. Highlight The 1st reminder

    3. Change the Reminder Period # days

    4. Repeat for each Reminder listed.
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