Patients Info / My Cabinet


The patients can control their account by clicking on the hamburger icon mceclip0.png

My Cabinet

Upcoming Appointments

The patients will be able to see:

  • Future appointments

  • Appointment History including the status of their booking (Pending or Confirmed)mceclip1.png

Patient’s Profile

  • The patient can see and edit their existing profile


Family Members
The patient can Add new Members to be linked to his/her account which allows:

  • A family head to make appointments on behalf of a family member.

  • A member doesn't need to have a mobile number to be registeredmceclip3.png

A member can create a login after being attached to a family:

  • A password, mobile number and email address are required to create a login

  • A registered member can be split from a family when more than one registered member exists

  • A member can also split from a family at any time.

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