Audit of Connection and Disconnection with the Database


The Audit of Connection and Disconnection with the Database report provides a history connection and disconnection to the user’s database.

Run the Report

  1. Click the navigation menu > Location Setup > Security page

  2. Record toolbar > Select Audit trails > Audit of Connection and Disconnection with the Database

  3. Report Parameters:

    1. Date: Select the period to report on 
    2. Staff member: Select the staff member who logged on
    3. Show deleted users: Show deleted users in Staff Members list
    4. Click OK

Report Details

 Computer name - Network /Logical

The computer that connected to the database

 Employee/ User name*

The staff member logged on


The application launched (D4Web)


The date and time the user was connected to the database

 Start D4Web

The date and time D4Web opened

 Exit D4Web

The date and time the user exited D4Web


The date and time the user was disconnected from the database

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