Hide Patient Contact information


Patient contact details can be hidden for users without the "Show Patient Contacts" permission, based on security settings.

Security access must be set for this feature before allocating permission is possible. See Set Security on Modules/Features/Actions article for instruction

To allocate permissions: 

  1. Click the navigation menu > Location Setup > Security page

    1. Select Group tab to allocate a whole groups permission (i.e Supervisors) or 

    2. Select the Users subtab to allocate to individual persons 

  2. In Modes/Actions: highlight Patients row 

  3. Find "Show Patient contacts" 

    1. Tick box to allow contact information to be viewed by the selected group or individual

    2. Untick box to hide contact information from the selected group or individual

The set security will apply to D4Web & D4W Mobile app

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