Patient Profile page


The Profile page provides an overview summary of important patients records.

The first release of this new module includes: 

Demographics: Family Members/ Allergy & Medical Conditions / Personal History.

Communication: Timeline and log reports

Patient Information: Including Treatment & Appointment history

Click the navigation menu > Patients > Profile 


All the Demographic information is taken from the Patient File page.

The patient name with crown if the profile in view is the head of the family

Photo can be inserted here or will auto insert if already exists in Patent file page

  1. Preferred: If the patient file has a preferred name included this will be the name selected

  2. DOB: Date of Birth

  3. Age: Calculated from the DOB

  4. Gender: Selected from the Gender field 

  5. Category: Patient Category

  6. Mobile: The mobile that exists in the patient file (member or head)

  7. Email: The mobile that exists in the patient file (member or head)

Family Members

The number & names of family members

  1. Click on the family member name to bring up the Patient details Window

  2. Click GO TO to open their Profile page

Allergies, Medical Conditions & Alerts 

The information found in these are taken from the data entered into the Patient history sub tab 

Personal Details

The information found here is taken from the data entered into the Patient Insurance / Various sub tab.

The Personal Details can also be edited within the Profile page 


This area features the communication to patient via the selected timeline and communication type

  1. Select the Timeline period via droplist or enter manual from / to dates

  2. Select the Communication type from the drop list.

    1. Tick Select All or Tick individual boxes (i.e. Recalls)
  3. Click RETRIEVE

  4. Click the printer button for a History log report

Patient Information

Patient Summary 

  1. Patient since: First seen date

  2. Main Provider: The provider listed as Main provider in the Patients file

  3. Outstanding Balance: Money owing

  4. Deposit Balance: Money sitting in credit

  5. Next Recall Date: The Patients recall date

  6. Health Fund: If using multiple insurance funds the, the health Fund shown will be the one which is set as default in the patient file


  1. Appointments: The overall number of appointments for this patient including any not having a status.

  2. Attended / UTA / FTA: The number of appointment with the status attached

    1. Click on the appointment number (i.e. 64) to see Appointment details
    2. Any Appointments without a status will not be calculated with the Attended / UTA / FTA totals but are counted in the overall total
  3. Upcoming: The next appointment

    1. Double click to view appointment details

  4. Last visited: The last appointment

    1. Double click to view appointment details 

  5. Favourite day: It searches through all the appointments history for this patient and selects the most common day of the week for patient previously scheduled appointments


  1. Total Paid: Totals paid by patient

  2. Average/ Appt: The average amount invoiced for each appointment

  3. Incomplete plans: the number of Treatment plans with items/ treatment & potential revenue from these incomplete items

    1. Click on Incomplete plans to see the list of Accepted plans with incomplete items

  4. Last Exam: Last date where examination items were used in the Treatment file

  5. Last visit: The last date treatment items were entered into the Treatment file

  6. X-ray: The last date where Xray items were used in the Treatment file

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